like To Access
70,000+ High Authority Expired Domains for PBNs, Affiliate/Money Sites Or 301 Redirects EVERY WEEK, Domains Buyable For Just The Domain
Reg Price ($5-$15 each)?

(buyable for just the domain registration price)

(see video demo below)

Bluechip Backlinks 2024 Gives Your SEO
Action An Unfair Advantage

Level up your SEO in 2024 with high authority, low-cost expired/aged domains
(perfect for kickstarting new Money Sites, powerful 301 redirect boosts, building PBNs, bypassing Google’s Sandbox for new sites)

Slash Your SEO Costs FAST

Easily Find Great Domains In Your Niches OR Your Clients' Niches That NOBODY CURRENTLY OWNS
So That You Can Register Or Own Them For $5-$15 Each, For Maximum SEO Impact


Find Great Expired Domains That You Can RESELL For 5-20X The Price You Paid For Them (normal domain registration: $5-$15, these are UNOWNED domains)


Get IMMEDIATE Access To SEVENTY THOUSAND+ Expired Domains With Majestic TrustFlow15+
(new list updated every Monday inside Bluechip Backlinks)

Site Rebuilds

View all site records for a domain/website on inside Bluechip Backlinks 2024, then download the date/file set one you like best (HTML format)

Bluechip Backlinks 2024
Your Comprehensive Expired/Aged Domain
'Swiss Army Knife':

Every Week, We Update Our List Of SEVENTY THOUSAND+ TrustFlow 15+ Expired/Aged Domains
From Our Own Research
(Domains Buyable For Just The Registration Price)

Every Day, THOUSANDS Of High Authority Domains With Great Backlink Profiles Become Available To Buy For Just The Price Of Domain Registration


Site Scanning To The Power Of 4

Bluechip Backlinks 2024 scans up to 4 websites at a time - while you're sleeping (all industrial scale computing is done at our end, not yours) - looking for high authority, low cost expired domains in your niche for you or your SEO clients.

Sort Hits By Highest TrustFlow

Toggle all your crawl results by highest TrustFlow to see exactly where Bluechip Backlinks 2024 found gold for you.

Works While You're Sleeping

With Bluechip Backlinks 2024, there is NO old-school app to download or computer you need to leave running at your end. Everything is done at our end on high end servers in the Cloud once you tell Bluechip Backlinks 2024 where to look in your niche/s.

Scan SERPS In Your Niche Back To January 2012 For Expired Domain Buy Opportunities

One of the many benefits of Bluechip Backlinks 2024 is that you can take advantage of years of linkbuilding investment by your niche competitors.


By scanning their high ranking sites for outbound links (and authority) to expired domains that nobody now owns. And you can scan through the SERP results dating back to January 2012 for possible expired domains with authority to buy.

Reverse Engineer Your Niche Competitors For More Expired Domain Opportunities

When sites rank high in a niche, they usually rank for a ton of related keywords apart from their main target keyword e.g. a high ranking site for the keyword, 'save marriage' also ranks highly for related terms with plenty of search volume like 'my husband yells at me', 'marriage counseling', 'what is cheating in a relationship', 'infidelity', 'relationship questions', 'intimate questions to ask your partner', 'stages of a dying marriage', '15 signs your marriage will end in divorce' etc. That opens up more expired niche domain options for you and that toolset is included inside Bluechip Backlinks 2024.

SEVENTY THOUSAND+ TrustFlow 15+ Expired Domains Updated Every Week

From our own intensive expired domain scanning each week, we publish a list of 70,000+ expired domains that can be bought for ONLY the price of domain registration.

Instead of risking many thousands of dollars (or more - yikes!) on a domain that may have a hidden penalty that only Google knows about, with Bluechip Backlinks, you can easily test multiple expired authority domains in your niches to find the ones that Google loves and which ones it is NEVER going to rank.

Stop Wasting Time On Overpriced Domain Auctions Or Spending Thou$ands On One Domain (that may not even work - whoops!)

Getting left behind in the 2024 SEO arms race?

Bluechip Backlinks 2024 can get your advantage back.

Frequently Asked Questions About
Bluechip Backlinks 2024

Does Bluechip Backlinks 2024 Run On My Slow Old Computer Here?

No. Bluechip Backlinks runs in the Cloud on our own servers.

So once you tell our tools where to look for high authority expired domains, you can turn off your laptop and have a nap in a hammock while it does its thing.

Why Are The Expired/Aged Domains That Bluechip Backlinks 2024 Finds So Cheap?

Unlike domain auctions and high end domain resellers, nobody currently owns the expired domains that Bluechip Backlinks 2024 finds.

What that means is that you can buy them for just the price of a normal new domain, even though these expired domains can have a great backlink profile and SEO power with Google.

Is There A Limit To How Many Sites I Can Rebuild From Each Month?

No, like the number of scans that you can run with your Bluechip Backlinks 2024 subscription, the number of downloads/rebuilds that you can access each month is completely unlimited.

If you don't need any rebuilds that's fine but if you do, you can download as many as you want each month at no extra charge.

Do You Provide Hosting For Expired Domains That I Buy After Finding Them With Bluechip Backlinks 2024?

We do not provide specialized hosting for expired domains or PBNs. We recommend that you follow the advice of respected SEO Craig Campbell here when it comes to setting up your SEO hosting:

How Much Does Bluechip Backlinks 2024 Cost?

Even with all the included tools inside Bluechip Baclinks 2024, it is only $49.99 per month.

No upsells, no cross-sells, no add-ons - it's a flat $49.99 per month for the works (4 simultaneous crawlers per subscription).

Analyze Your
Niche Competitors

Bluechip Backlinks 2024 tools include spying on the keywords that your niche competitors are ranking for across every Google country search, scanning the top 20 SERP positions for your best keyword/s, then you can analyze those sites for links from them to expired domains available for purchase and SEO use (by you).

Other Stuff By Terry Kyle:

© 2024 Kyle Technologies Ltd